CSIT First Sem

Introduction to Information Technology, C Programming, Digital Logic, Mathematics I, Physics.

CSIT Second Sem

Discrete Structures, Object Oriented Programming, Microprocessor, Statistics I, Mathematics II.

CSIT Third Sem

Data Structures and Algorithms, Numerical Methods, Computer Architecture, Graphics, Statistics II.

CSIT Fourth Sem

Theory of Computation, Computer Networks, Operating Systems, Database Management System, Artificial Intelligence.


CSIT Fifth Sem

Web Technology, System Analysis and Design, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Simulation and Modelling, Cryptography, Electives.

CSIT Sixth Sem

Software Engineering, Compiler Design, E-Governance, NET Computing, Technical Writing, Electives.

CSIT Seventh Sem

Advanced Java, Data Warehousing, Management, Project Work, Electives.

CSIT Eighth Sem

Advanced Database, Internship, Electives.


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