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Terms and Conditions

Welcome to RRM CSIT | Ramswarup Ramsagar Multiple Campus (hereinafter referred to as "the Website"). By accessing or using this Website, you agree to comply with and be bound by the following Terms and Conditions. Please read them carefully before using the Website. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, you must not use the Website.

1. User Responsibilities

By using this Website, you agree to:

  • Use the Website only for lawful purposes.
  • Provide accurate and truthful information when required.
  • Respect the rights and privacy of other users.
  • Not engage in any activity that disrupts or interferes with the Website's functionality.
  • Comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

2. Content Ownership

All content published on the Website, including but not limited to text, images, videos, and graphics, is the property of RRM CSIT | Ramswarup Ramsagar Multiple Campus or its content creators, unless otherwise stated. Unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of this content is strictly prohibited.

3. Copyright and Intellectual Property

The Website and its original content, features, and functionality are owned by RRM CSIT | Ramswarup Ramsagar Multiple Campus and are protected by international copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, and other intellectual property or proprietary rights laws.

If you believe that your intellectual property rights have been violated, please contact us at [insert contact email] with detailed information about the alleged infringement.

4. Prohibited Activities

You are prohibited from:

  • Engaging in any illegal or unauthorized activities on the Website.
  • Uploading or distributing malicious software, viruses, or harmful code.
  • Attempting to gain unauthorized access to the Website or its related systems.
  • Harassing, abusing, or harming other users or individuals associated with the Website.
  • Using the Website for any commercial purposes without prior written consent.

5. External Links

The Website may contain links to third-party websites or services that are not owned or controlled by RRM CSIT | Ramswarup Ramsagar Multiple Campus. We have no control over, and assume no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party websites or services. You acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible for any damage or loss caused by your use of such external links.

6. Disclaimer of Liability

The Website is provided on an "as-is" and "as-available" basis. RRM CSIT | Ramswarup Ramsagar Multiple Campus makes no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of the content on the Website. Your use of the Website is at your sole risk. We shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of your access to or use of the Website.

7. Limitations of Use

You agree not to:

  • Use the Website in any way that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the Website.
  • Use any automated systems, such as bots or scrapers, to access or interact with the Website without prior written consent.
  • Attempt to circumvent any security or access controls implemented on the Website.

8. Google AdSense Compliance

The Website uses Google AdSense to display advertisements. By using the Website, you agree to comply with Google AdSense policies, including but not limited to:

  • Not clicking on ads for fraudulent purposes.
  • Not encouraging others to click on ads.
  • Not placing ads on prohibited content.

For more information, please review Google AdSense Program Policies.

9. Social Media and Community Interactions

The Website is associated with the following social media platforms:

When interacting with our social media pages or community platforms, you agree to:

  • Follow the respective platform's terms of service and community guidelines.
  • Refrain from posting offensive, abusive, or spammy content.
  • Respect the opinions and rights of other community members.

10. Changes to Terms and Conditions

We reserve the right to modify or replace these Terms and Conditions at any time. Any changes will be posted on this page with an updated effective date. Your continued use of the Website after any changes constitutes your acceptance of the revised Terms and Conditions.

11. Governing Law

These Terms and Conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Nepal. Any disputes arising from your use of the Website shall be resolved exclusively in the courts of Nepal.

12. Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms and Conditions, please contact us at [insert contact email].

Links to Relevant Google Policies

For further information, please refer to the following Google policies:

Effective Date: [Insert Date]

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