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Welcome to Pipara Academy, We offers  a premier private educational center to adcadmic excellence and hosting educational competional, learning materials. It situated across Dhanusha and Mahottari districts, we proudly serve as a trusted for students and educators alike.

At Pipara Academy Nepal Pvt. Ltd.

We Specialize in providing educational programs, resources, and information materials to the requirement of leading educational boards and institutions, including the National Examination Board (NEB), Tribhuvan University (TU), Council for Technical Education and Vocational Tranining (CTEVT), and Purbanchal University (PU).

What we offer

Our Offerings are designed to cater to diverse academic needs, including:

  • Ten Plus Two Education (NEB): Comprehensive study materials in Science, Management, and Education streams. Resources are available in both soft copy (Notes) and Hard copy (Books)
  • Technical and Vocational Education (CTEVT): Specialized courses such as Health Assistant (HA) and CMLT.
  • Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs (TU): Educational resources for programs like BBS, B.Ed, B.Sc, BCA, and MBS, B.Sc CSIT, and etc.
  • Management Studies (Purbanchal University) : Programs such as MBA and BBA

Our Locations 

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